MiniMe Pet – Social App for Pets



Your hub of pet information, resources and fun activities.


Use one of these calculators to learn more about your pet’s nutritional wellbeing.

Is my pet fit or fat?

Cat Body Mass Index

Use the Cat BMI calculator to identify whether your cat is underweight, ideal weight, overweight or obese.

Here kitty kitty!

Thanks for being one of the first ones here!

MiniMe Pet (the social app for pets!) is under active development and has been just released for iOS and Android.

We’re always looking for loving pet parents to work with and help with feedback for the initial release of our app!

Pet Name Generator

Create a pet name in just seconds. Find the perfect pet name or use it as inspiration, up to you!

Here kitty kitty!

Instagram & Facebook:

Unleash Your Passion: Turn Your Love of Animals into a Fulfilling Hobby

Breed of the Week: 10 Things You Should Know About Scottish Fold Cats


How Happy Is My Pet?

pet heart

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Time For
