Are Orchids Poisonous to Cats?
The safety of our pets is always important to us, so some cat owners might be concerned that the plants they keep in their houses are safe for their pets. For example, orchids are beautiful flowers and are kept in many houses as a decorative plant. These nonwoody perennial plants are generally terrestrial or epiphytic herbs (i.e., growing on other […]
Are Dandelions Toxic to Cats?
When thinking about the safety of our pets, cat owners may have many concerns, especially if their pets are going out and they can get into contact with different plants that might be dangerous for them. One of the most common plants found in our gardens is the dandelion. So are dandelions toxic to cats? […]
Can Dogs Eat Sushi?
Maybe sushi is your fav dish and you were thinking to share it with your dog. But can dogs have sushi? Well that depends on the ingredients of the sushi. Some types of sushi are safe for dogs to eat, while others are not recommended. Raw fish used in sushi can also be safe for […]
Can Dogs Eat Churros?
Churros are a traditional tube-shaped Spanish and Portuguese sweet snack made from choux pastry that are deep-fried in oil and then sprinkled with sugar. And while popular with humans, can dogs have churros? Churros are not recommended for dogs to eat. While churros are not inherently toxic to dogs, they are usually deep-fried and coated […]
Can Dogs Eat Soy Sauce?
If you are considering introducing new flavours into your dog’s meals, maybe you considered soy sauce. But can dogs eat soy sauce? Actually it is not recommended to give soy sauce to dogs. While small amounts of soy sauce are unlikely to cause serious harm, it can be high in sodium, which can lead to […]
Can Dogs Eat Dumplings?
This popular dish may come to mind as an option when dog owners think about introducing new food into their pet’s diet. But can dogs have dumplings? Unfortunately, it is not recommended to feed your dog dumplings, as they are typically high in fat, calories, and carbohydrates. Dumplings are often made with a dough that […]
Can Dogs Eat Greek Yoghurt?
When trying to introduce new foods to your dog’s diet, you might consider greek yogurt as it is good source of protein, calcium, and probiotics. But can dogs have greek yogurt in their diet? Dogs can actually eat plain, unsweetened Greek yogurt in moderation. However, it is important to note that not all dogs can […]
Can Dogs Eat Chocolate Chip Cookies?
If your dog has eaten a chocolate chip cookie, it’s important to act quickly as chocolate can be toxic to dogs. Chocolate contains a compound called theobromine, which dogs cannot metabolize as efficiently as humans. This can lead to a buildup of theobromine in their system, which can cause a range of symptoms such as […]
Can Dogs Eat Pasta?
Pasta is favorite dish to many and when thinking to intorudce more variety to your dog’s diet, pasta may come to mind. But can dogs have pasta as a meal? Dogs can eat plain, cooked pasta in small amounts as an occasional treat. However, pasta should not make up a significant portion of a dog’s […]
Can Dogs Eat Mac n Cheese?
One of humans’ fav dish, mac and cheese, a classic comfort food that has been enjoyed by people all over the world for generations. But can dogs have mac and cheese? Regrettably, mac and cheese is not recommended for dogs. While cheese is generally safe for dogs in small amounts, mac and cheese typically contains […]