MiniMe Pet – Social App for Pets

Here at MiniMe, the love and care of animals is in our DNA. Our individual team members have owned dogs, cats, turtles, fish and even a chinchilla!

We strongly believe that domestic animals can belong as members of the family, and deserve to be treated and respected as such.

It’s with this that leads me onto our newest feature on the MiniMe website: Pet Calculators.

We have built a set of Pet Calculators that aim to help pet owners identify and understand crucial factors of their pets’ health and wellbeing. Using basic measurements, we are currently able to provide estimations of body fat amount for cats and dogs, helping owners take action where needed. Our first Pet Calculators can be used by dog and cat owners, and currently offer results that will let them know if their furry friends are underweight, overweight, or ideal weight.

First, let’s talk about Body Mass Index (BMI). BMI is a standard metric used for humans and animals alike, and offers a basic indication of being underweight, normal weight, overweight and obese. BMI is often used as a rule of thumb or guideline, and often offers a broad indication of weight that anyone can measure themselves.

The same applies to Dog BMI and Feline BMI. Using some simple calculations, we can derive the BMI of a dog and cat, and determine whether they fit into any of the weight classes we mentioned above. This is of course quite useful for owners, because it let’s them know whether they are feeding their dog or cat correctly, the right amount, and often enough.

Dog Body Mass Index

To measure the BMI of your dog, you will need to measure the shoulder height. The shoulder height of your dog can be measured with a measuring tape, from the ground up to the withers. The withers is the highest point of a dog’s should blades. See the following image as an example: 

dog measurements

You will then need to measure your dog’s weight. There are many ways you could do this, like visiting a vet or pet shop. If you have a smaller sized dog, you could stand on your measuring scale whilst holding them, and then subtract your individual weight afterwards.

Once you have these measurements, head over to our Dog BMI Calculator, and input the values. We have provided some guideline information for you to better understand the result you get.

Feline Body Mass Index

To measure the BMI of your cat, it’s a little more tricky. You need to measure around the cat’s chest or ribcage, and then measure the length of the lower back leg, from knee to ankle. The ankle is a few inches above the back paw. See the following image as an example:

If you were successful in getting these measurements, then head over to our Cat BMI Calculator, and input the values. Once again, we have provided some basic guidelines so you can understand and take any action needed.

As always, we highly recommend consulting a vet in the case of any medical concerns, or for further information. We have provided these calculators as an insightful tool for pet owners, not for medical purposes.

Thanks for reading!