MiniMe Pet – Social App for Pets


family of pets dogs in a garden

Connecting the animal world through community, activity and support.

We are a community of pet people, cat moms and doggie daddies.

We build tools that help bring the community together.

Not Just Cat Moms
& Dog Dads

Mini Me Pet is a fun group of pet parents and animal lovers from all over the world.

We are currently building a mobile application that’s going to give superpowers to pet owners.

We love to travel, take adventures together and share our love of life with our pet friends.

Our team have individually adopted cats, dogs, hedgehogs, fish, and even a chinchilla!

Building p-awesome experiences for pets and their owners.

When we are not building products that improve the quality of life of pets and their owners, we are out organising group walks in the area, meeting and learning from pet shop owners and vets and volunteering at local shelters, giving them the support and extra help they need.

MiniMe Pet will soon be setting up a Donations gateway, so we can pass on your generous donations to shelters in need.

pet paw
dogs running together

15/03/2022 – Walk with friends <3