MiniMe Pet – Social App for Pets
< X Underweight
X – Y Normal weight
Y – A Overweight
A – B Obese
BMI (Body Mass Index) is a measure of how a person’s body mass compares to their height. The dog BMI calculator uses the same formula as that of humans.
The resulting BMI of your dog is an indication of their ideal body classification.
Measure from the ground to the withers. The withers is the highest point of a dog's shoulder blades.
There are a number of different reasons that your dog’s weight is above the average. These can include:
If our calculator indicates that your dog is overweight, we would suggest that you contact your vet and arrange a checkup. If your dog is healthy, here are some tips on helping cut some of the weight:
If your dog is underweight, again, we would suggest consulting a vet to check up on any health conditions. If healthy, here are some tips on helping it gain some weight:
If our calculator indicates that your dog is underweight, we would again suggest that you contact your vet and arrange a checkup. If healthy, here are some tips to help your dog gain weight.
Check out some of our other calculators.