MiniMe Pet – Social App for Pets
< 15 Underweight
15 – 29.9 Normal weight
30 – 42 Overweight
> 42 Obese
BMI (Body Mass Index) is a measure of how a person’s body mass compares to their height.
For cats, the Feline Body Mass index calculator uses the same formula as that of dogs and humans.
The resulting BMI of your cat is an indication of their ideal body fat content.
Measure around the cat's rib cage (careful!). Then measure the length from the knee, to the ankle - not to the paw.
There are a variety of different reasons that your cat has been marked above the average. These can include:
Firstly, always consult your vet. An underweight cat has a visibly lower body fat content, and its ribs may be visible to the naked eye, or by feeling with your hand.
Malnutrition is almost always the main contributor to a cat’s body fat content. It usually means they do not have access to food. Consider organising a higher-calorie specialised diet, and ensure you are feeding your cat consistently.
Often-times a stressed, anxious or nauseous cat will avoid eating altogether. Usually there is an underlying problem, and is considered a medical emergency. It should be addressed immediately by visiting a vet.
Check out some of our other calculators.