MiniMe Pet – Social App for Pets

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Can Dogs Drink Tea?

can dogs drink tea

The idea of having tea break with your dog might sound interesting to some dog owners. But can dogs have tea? It is generally not recommended to give tea to dogs. While tea is not toxic to dogs, it contains caffeine which can be harmful to them. Caffeine can cause various symptoms in dogs, including […]

Can Dogs Eat Croissants?

can dogs eat croissants

Technically, dogs can eat croissants, but croissants are not the healthy option for your dog. Croissants are high in fat and carbohydrates, which can lead to digestive upset and weight gain in dogs. They may also contain other ingredients like sugar, salt, and butter that can be harmful to dogs in large quantities. So can […]

Can Dogs Eat Mochi?

can dogs eat mochi

When dog owners really enjoy and love a type of food, sometimes they think about whether to share it with their pets. That’s when Mochi comes to mind, a delicious treat, loved by many. Mochi is a Japanese dessert made from sticky rice that is pounded into a paste and shaped into various forms, often […]

Os cães podem comer kimchi?

can dogs eat kimchi

O kimchi é um prato coreano picante feito com legumes fermentados e, normalmente, contém ingredientes como couve, alho, gengibre e malagueta. As especiarias e os condimentos utilizados no kimchi podem causar perturbações digestivas e até ser potencialmente prejudiciais para os cães em grandes quantidades. Por isso, se se questiona se os cães podem comer kimchi, […]

Os cães podem comer sopa de missô?

can dogs eat miso soup

Quando se decide se um cão pode comer sopa de miso, em primeiro lugar, temos de ter em consideração se isso irá beneficiar ou prejudicar os nossos cães.

Os cães podem comer sushi?

can dogs eat sushi

Talvez o sushi seja o seu prato preferido e esteja a pensar partilhá-lo com o seu cão. Mas será que os cães podem comer sushi? Bem, isso depende dos ingredientes do sushi. Alguns tipos de sushi são seguros para os cães comerem, enquanto outros não são recomendados. O peixe cru utilizado no sushi também pode […]

Are Lilies Poisonous to Dogs?

When considered about your pet’s safety, some dog owners might wonder if plants we keep in our home or are found outside in the garden and parks can be poisonous to our dogs. Lilies, for example, are beautiful flowers found in many homes and gardens, that our pets can get in contact with. But are […]

Are Orchids Poisonous to Dogs?

are orchids poisonous to dogs

Orchid is a beautiful flower, found in many homes so some dog owners might be worried if their house is a safe environment and are orchids poisonous to dogs. Orchids (Orchidaceae family) are not considered toxic to dogs and are considered generally safe for dogs and other pets. They may cause mild gastrointestinal upset if […]

Are Acorns Poisonous to Dogs?

Acorn is the fruit (a nut) of the oak tree (the flowering plant genus Quercus of the beech family Fagaceae). The acorn contains a single seed (rarely two seeds), enclosed in a tough, leathery shell, and borne in a cup-shaped cupule. Acorn – New World Encyclopedia If you are the owner of a playful dog, going outside for a simple walk can be a challenge and you might […]

Are Hostas Poisonous to Dogs?

Many dog owners concerned about safety of their dogs have been thinking if plants from their garden or surroundings can be poisonous for their pets. Hosta – the green leafy, lush plants can be found in many gardens and parks, so some dog owners might wonder are hostas poisonous to dogs? And unfortunately, yes, hostas […]