MiniMe Pet – Social App for Pets

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Pets provide us with love, companionship, and amusement. But beyond their adorable antics and quirky habits, pets also possess some fascinating and sometimes strange traits that you might not know about.

Here are 10 weird facts about pets that will surprise and delight you!

1. Dogs Have Unique Nose Prints

Just like human fingerprints, every dog’s nose print is unique, and no two nose prints are alike. This trait is so distinct that it can be used to identify individual dogs, much like fingerprints are used to identify humans.

2. Cats Can Taste the Air

Unlike humans, cats have a specialized organ in their mouths called the Jacobson’s Organ, which allows them to taste molecules in the air. This ability helps cats detect pheromones and other scents that are important for communication, reproduction, and survival.

3. Goldfish Have a Longer Life Expectancy Than You Think

Contrary to popular belief, goldfish can actually live for quite a long time. Although their lifespan is usually 10 years at the top end, the oldest recorded goldfish, named Fred, lived an impressive 40 or 44 years, depending on which story you believe! With proper care and attention, your goldfish could be a long term companion.

4. Dogs Can Tell Time

Dogs have an internal clock that allows them to sense the passage of time. This ability is thought to be related to their natural circadian rhythm, which regulates their sleep-wake cycle. Some dogs can even tell when their owners are coming home from work!

5. Cats Don’t Meow at Each Other

Cats primarily use meows to communicate with humans, not with each other. For inter-cat communication, they rely on a variety of other vocalizations, body language, facial expressions, and scent marking.

6. Dogs Are More Likely to be Left-Handed Than Humans

Studies have shown that dogs are more likely to be left-handed, or left-pawed, than humans. This is thought to be due to differences in brain lateralization

7. Cats Spend a Lot of Time Grooming

Cats are meticulous groomers, spending up to 50% of their waking hours cleaning themselves. This behavior is not only for hygiene reasons, but also for stress relief and keeping their fur in good condition.

8. Dogs Have Three Eyelids

Dogs have a third eyelid, called the nictitating membrane, which is located in the inner corner of their eye. This eyelid helps protect the eye from dust, dirt, and debris.

9. Hamsters Blink One Eye at a Time

Hamsters have a unique eye structure that allows them to blink one eye at a time. This is thought to be an adaptation that helps them to stay alert to predators.

10. Birds Can See Ultraviolet Light

Birds have a special type of cell in their eyes that allows them to see ultraviolet light. This helps them to see insects and other food sources that are invisible to humans.

Thanks for being one of the first ones here!

MiniMe Pet (the social app for pets!) is under active development and has been just released for iOS and Android.

We’re always looking for loving pet parents to work with and help with feedback for the initial release of our app!